• Protect our youth: Make Wellington’s streets safe!
    Aotearoa New Zealand should be a place where young people can experience life and make memories while being safe and protected. Wellington should be a city where our young people can have fun in a safe environment, without the fear of harm.  Sadly, that’s not the case. A recent Salient survey revealed 75% of students have felt unsafe in a Wellington nightclub, and many highlighted concerning safety issues they'd faced travelling to and from the city at night and the lack of safe transport options. [2,3] “I can’t walk on Courtney without feeling like I need to constantly be watching my back” -Rachel (22) Young people and our communities know what the issues are and what solutions will work for us. That's why we want WCC to work with us - especially those that are often the target of harm such as our ethnic communities, queer communities, disabled communities and more.  We are asking them to: • Commit to a project for young people's safety and wellbeing • Centre young people's leadership by co-creating it with us • Provide funding to enable young people's involvement and participation in the process  • Funding pathways for intercultural cohesion through education and community building We truly believe that a wide-scale cross-community project would be a great first step for youth wellbeing and safety. We would start by engaging with communities on things that impact our safety - like transport, de-escalation skills, nightlife culture, safe spaces, accessibility, and cultural attitudes.  In the meantime, there are already some solutions the WCC could action now, such as: • Increase funding for Take10 to include more safe spaces in and around Cuba street - Courtenay place area • Require all liquor licence holders to ensure their staff are trained in de-escalation training • Create teams of trained professionals that can go from venue to venue and make sure that people in need are cared for, including providing drug and alcohol harm reduction information and support • Train up more wardens from affected communities to be present in the inner city areas over the weekend nights, to help increase safety • Free and accessible transport  • Free wi-fi and public accessible charging stations  Why now? Mayor Tory Whanau has asked for a refreshed city safety plan now that the Pōneke Promise is coming to an end.[6] We want to make sure the new plan includes a project focussed on the wellbeing and safety of our young people, and reducing harm in the inner city.  In late 2020, local communities raised concerns about the safety in central Wellington. At the start of 2021 the Wellington Alliance Against Sexual Violence - a coalition of youth-led organisations hosted a rally on Courtney place calling on WCC and its partners to prioritise sexual violence prevention. [3,4] WCC listened and created Pōneke Promise which widened its focus on making ‘central Wellington safe, vibrant and welcoming”[5] Now that a new plan is being made, we need to make sure WCC listens to our communities again and delivers what we as young people need - Safer streets! Join us and together we can create a better future for young people! Acknowledgment We would like to acknowledge Luke Smith. Who we lost too early and who brought us all together to fight for a better future for our young people. Because of Luke Smith we are demanding that the wellbeing and the safety of our young people are put as priority by the Wellington City Council.  This petition we created in consultation with Luke Smith’s family. If you would like to support the family in bringing their son back home to South African for his funeral please click here for their givealittle. References 1. https://www.salient.org.nz/post/safety-and-harassment-in-wellington-s-clubs 2. https://www.thepost.co.nz/nz-news/350352650/unwanted-groping-part-student-culture-city-bars  3. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/there-is-no-excuse-hundreds-turn-out-to-protest-against-sexual-violence-in-wellington/7AEJB5VQY7BJ6VB67MEFU47BVU/ 4. https://wellington.govt.nz/-/media/community-support-and-resources/community-safety/files/sexual-violence-prevention/sexual-violence-prevention-roadmap.pdf 5. https://wellington.govt.nz/community-support-and-resources/safety-in-wellington/the-poneke-promise  6. https://www.thepost.co.nz/nz-news/350356298/inner-city-safety-plan-be-updated-after-students-report-feeling-unsafe
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by V.A.D.S.A
  • GWRC: Save the Tawa On Demand bus service!
    The Tawa On Demand bus service provides vital access to local services for those living up on our steep hills, and enables a car-free commute for those working in town. It supports families and people with limited mobility, reduces traffic and emissions, and improves social cohesion. The service has exceeded expectations, with consistent usage and 96% customer satisfaction. Without continued support from GWRC, the service will have to stop at the end of this year. We’re asking GWRC to commit to funding sustainable public transport within Tawa - whether that’s the existing Tawa On Demand service, a scheduled service, or a mixture of the two, and to asking the Government to help out.
    1,257 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tawa Community Board
  • Implement all recommendations from the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry
    We all want Aotearoa New Zealand to be a place where everyone can thrive. Certainly a place where survivors of abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions can thrive. We know that what has happened to the estimated 250,000 vulnerable adults, children, and babies is a “national disgrace” according to Judge Coral Shaw, former Chair of the Abuse in Care Royal Commision of Inquiry.  The Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry’s Final Report, Whanaketia: Through pain and trauma, from darkness to light, has 138 recommendations to improve the State Care system, Faith-based Institutions and other departments that have worked with some of New Zealand’s most vulnerable people [1]. The Interim Report, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu from Redress to Puretumu Torowhānui, has 95 Holistic Recommendations to improve the current redress systems (Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Health, Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children and Ministry of Education) for survivors of abuse in care [2]. Summary of the recommendations are: • expansion of oranga, or wellbeing, services and support services for survivors and their whānau • increased financial payments for survivors • training for those working with survivors • establishment of a listening service  • development of processes for referring allegations of abuse to other agencies • better monitoring of, and reporting on, abuse and systemic issues • memorials and other projects to honour survivors and remember abuse • enactment of a right to be free from abuse in care, as well as a duty to protect this right • an exception to accident compensation legislation • changes to laws relating to civil litigation  • a review of legal aid rates  • a model litigant policy for the Crown • improvements to the handling of survivors’ requests for records, including as few redactions of survivors’ records as possible • a review of record-creation and record-keeping practices. The Abuse in Care Inquiry has been in progress for the past six years. This is the largest inquiry into abuse in care that Aotearoa New Zealand has ever had. These reports from the inquiry shed light on the harrowing and horrific experiences that survivors faced while in the care of the state and faith-based institutions, and emphasise the profound impact that abuse has had on survivors’ lives. Now is the time for action: for people across Aotearoa to come together and be part of the process that ensures that survivors in Aotearoa can thrive.  By signing this petition, you are standing up for the rights of survivors and sending a clear message to the Crown: They have a duty of care to survivors, and a duty to implement all of the recommendations from the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry. Together, let's ensure that survivors are supported.  Join us in this crucial fight by signing the petition today and spreading the word to your friends, family, and community. Together, we can make a difference and safeguard the future of care and help survivors of abuse in State and Faith-based Care to thrive.  _________ Additional information and references: In February 2018, former Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, and former Minister for Internal Affairs, Tracey Martin, announced that there would be a Royal Commission of Inquiry into abuse in care [3]. However, the formal work of the inquiry didn’t commence until January 2019.  Since 2019, the Inquiry has conducted a number of Hearings [4]: • September to October 2020 - State Redress Hearing held  • November to December 2020 - Faith-based Redress (Phase 1) Hearing held • March 2021 - Faith-based Redress (Phase 2) Hearing held • May 2021 - Children's State Residential Hearing held • June 2021 - Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit Hearing held • July 2021 - Tulou - Our Pacific Voices: Tatala e Pulonga (Pacific People's Experiences) Hearing held • February 2022 - Marylands school (St John of God) Hearing held • March 2022 - Tō muri the p`o Roa, tērā a Pokopoko White-te-raa (Māori Experiences) Hearing held • June 2022 - Foster Care Hearing held • July 2022 - Ūhia te Māramatanga Disability, Deaf and Mental Health Institutional Care Hearing Held • August 2022 - State Institutional Response Hearing held • October 2022 - Faith-based Institutions Response Hearing held  The final report of the Inquiry was presented to the Governor General, Her Excellency The Right Honourable Dame Cindy Kiro GNZM, QSO on 25 June 2024, and released publicly following the tabling of the Final Report in the House of Representatives on 24 July 2024 [5].     1 - https://www.abuseincare.org.nz/reports/whanaketia 2 - https://www.abuseincare.org.nz/reports/from-redress-to-puretumu/ 3 - https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/inquiry-abuse-state-care 4 - https://www.abuseincare.org.nz/about-us/timeline/ 5 - Parliament Video | New Zealand Parliament videos.parliament.nz    *Disclaimer: more information will be provided in the Updates section Image credit: Designed by artist Ruby Jones in collaboration with Karah Mackie and survivors of abuse in care
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ihorangi Reweti Peters Picture
  • ASB KiwiSaver divest from illegal Israeli settlements or we switch!
    All people should enjoy freedom, justice and equality. That includes Palestinians. Israel is occupying and colonising Palestinian land, and maintains an apartheid system of discrimination against Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in violation of international law.  We support the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity, as called for by the Palestinian-led BDS movement. Israel is only able to maintain its apartheid regime and to expand its illegal settlements because of material support from the international community, including through unethical investments by global financial institutions (including ASB and other New Zealand banks and funds). According to research by Mindful Money, KiwiSaver funds' investments in companies financing and constructing illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine and arming Israel were up 20% in the first 5 months after October 2023. The research showed that our KiwiSavers have an estimated $200 million collectively invested in these companies. Many of our KiwiSaver funds are invested in companies that are involved in Israel’s illegal occupation, meaning that through our retirement savings we are inadvertently helping to finance of Israel’s system of apartheid, the expansion of illegal settlements in the Westbank and East Jerusalem, and the genocide of the people of Gaza. What can you do about it? It’s time we pressure our KiwiSaver providers, beginning with ASB, to stop financing Israel’s apartheid, ongoing colonisation and genocide and divest from the illegal settlements. Together we can get them to do the right thing.  • Are you an ASB customer? Sign the petition and use your power to demand that ASB divest - or else you will switch to another provider. But don’t switch yet - while you’re still a customer you have power to pressure ASB - keep the pressure on till 29 November when everyone will switch together if they haven’t divested from Israel. • Not a ASB customer? Sign the petition and share to help bring others on board to demand action from ASB. Boycott action works - and is a powerful tool we can use to make big companies realise the cost of doing business with an apartheid state.  Why ASB? Of all of New Zealand’s KiwiSaver funds, ASB has the most investments in Motorola Solutions Inc.  Motorola Solutions Inc provides telecommunications, surveillance and military technology to the Israeli military and illegal Israeli settlements - effectively operating as the IDF’s technology arm and enabling the maintenance and expansion of these settlements. The company also provides technology for operating Israel’s checkpoints and separation wall, two key pieces of Israel's apartheid infrastructure.[1] https://www.whoprofits.org//writable/uploads/old/uploads/2018/06/old/bab_al_shams_-_ahmad_al_bazz.jpg Motorola Solutions Inc. have been included in the UN List businesses involved in activities that help maintain/enable Israeli settlements, which are illegal under international law. [2] ASB has $14 million invested in Motorola Solutions Inc., making their KiwiSaver fund one of the biggest investors in the occupation in the top 10 KiwiSaver providers. While many KiwiSaver funds are complicit in Israeli crimes, we have identified ASB as the #1 Most Unethical KiwiSaver for those who care about Palestinian human rights.  The International Court of Justice – the world’s highest court – recently declared that states, international organisations, investment corporations and all other institutions must not assist in maintaining the illegal situation created by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.[3] ASB is currently complicit in Israel’s violations of human rights and international law through its investments in Motorola Solutions Inc. To avoid being an accomplice to this illegal activity, ASB must divest from Israeli apartheid. BDS works! In calling on ASB to divest from Motorola Solutions Inc. we are taking the lead from the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions as a form of non-violent pressure on Israel. Both globally and here in Aotearoa, companies are realising that the investments in companies that sustain Israel's apartheid are unethical and are divesting. NZ Super Fund, KiwiSaver provider Simplicity, and most recently Ireland’s sovereign investment fund and French Insurance giant AXA have all divested from services due to their role in illegal settlements. Public pressure works! We won’t stop with ASB’s investments in Motorola… ASB and other New Zealand banks and KiwiSaver providers continue to maintain investments in other companies directly or indirectly involved in the maintenance and expansion of the illegal settlements, listed in the UN database.[4]  So we are also calling on ASB and all other New Zealand banks and KiwiSaver providers to adopt policies that prohibit investments in the companies identified by the UN and get rid of any existing investments in these companies. These financial institutions are on notice that we don’t want our money invested in Israel’s discrimination and colonisation. If they continue to bank on apartheid, we’ll stop banking with them! It is more urgent and important than ever that our voices are heard loud and clear by decision-makers and to encourage others to join our growing movement. References:  [1] https://www.whoprofits.org/companies/company/3808? and https://wiki.stoparmingisrael.nz/motorola [2] OHCHR update of database of all business enterprises involved in the activities detailed in paragraph 96 of the report of the independent international fact finding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem [30 June 2023]. [3] Legal Consequences Arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem (Advisory Opinion) [2024]. [4] See for example: kiwisaver_investments_israel – Stop Arming Israel (stoparmingisrael.nz). Photo credit: Motorola communication device used by the Israeli Police during the dispersal of a Palestinian demonstration Bab Al Shams, E1 Area | Jan 2013 | Photographed by Ahmad Al-Bazz, Activestills.
    3,560 of 4,000 Signatures
  • It's Time for a Capital Gains Tax!
    We all want thriving schools and early childcare centres, warm and dry homes, and a strong healthcare system.  We get these vital public services through sharing our resources into a collective pool – this pool is our tax system: we all contribute, so that we can all flourish. But right now, our public services are crumbling. The combination of successive governments not allocating enough resources to them, while at the same time allowing the wealthy to avoid contributing their fair share, means our public services can't meet our collective needs. As a result we’re struggling to build new hospitals or get new ferries, or hire enough nurses, doctors, teachers and social workers. IRD research shows that the 311 wealthiest families in Aotearoa effectively pay 9.4% of their overall income in taxes, while the majority of everyday people pay over 20%.(1) This isn’t right. A capital gains tax is an important pillar of a balanced tax system that ensures everyone contributes a fair share of the income they make to the collective pool. By increasing the resources going back into the pool, we will then be able to allocate more to our public services - our schools, hospitals and more.  Right now, income from selling assets isn't taxed like our income from salary or wages. This means that a lot of wealthy people who make money from buying and selling assets, like investment properties, don't contribute a fair amount of the profits they make to our collective resource pool. Buying and selling homes is being treated as a get-rich-quick scheme for people who already have access to wealth. For example, a person can sell a home that they don’t even need to live in and instantly make four times what an average person earns during a year, without paying any tax at all. (2) This is very different to the vast majority of countries worldwide, including all of those we most frequently compare ourselves to, who already have a capital gains tax in place.(3) We are lagging behind.  Polling last year showed that a majority of people in Aotearoa are in favour of a capital gains tax - while support continues to grow across different sectors calling for this to change, most recently from ANZ CE Antonia Watson, Mainfreight Founder Bruce Plested and PWC tax partner Sandy Lau.  (4) (5) It’s time to strengthen our collective pool so we can allocate the resources our  public and community services need to help families and communities flourish! References: 1. IRD High Net Worth Individuals Research Project 2023  2. Christopher Luxon expected to make a capital gain of $295,000 from selling one of his seven properties this month 3. PWC - Global CGT Rates 4. Media Release: Poll Shows Clear Support for Tax Reform  5. A roll call of all the people championing a capital gains tax. Spinoff 
    6,303 of 7,000 Signatures
  • Don’t cast the South Island adrift! Ensure replacement Cook Strait ferries can carry trains.
    The ageing Interislander ferries must be replaced. We believe it’s crucial that new ferries are rail-enabled and publicly owned, letting rail freight and equipment move easily between the North and South Islands. Without rail-enabled ferries, the two islands’ rail networks will be disconnected, restricting the movement of goods and putting the South Island’s whole rail network at risk. Current and future passenger rail services also rely on a viable national rail network.  The government said in its transport policy statement that it would prioritise making the best use of existing transport infrastructure. The only decision consistent with this policy is to ensure future ferries are rail-enabled and remain in public ownership.
    6,486 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Rooney Picture
  • Demand the Government support people experiencing homelessness!
    Everyone should have access to decent, secure and permanently affordable housing. But right now, many people in our communities are experiencing homelessness – living on couches, in cars, in overcrowded houses and in unhealthy and unsafe conditions.  For too long people in government have chosen not to allocate resources to public housing, while prioritising policies that encourage property speculators to buy up huge amounts of houses. As a result home ownership and access to decent, secure and affordable housing has become harder and harder for everyday people. This Government's recent decision to make access to emergency housing more difficult, is increasing the harm and risk of homelessness in our communities[1].  These policy changes were able to be implemented because there is currently no legislative responsibility on government agencies to support someone who is at-risk of homelessness.  In the midst of a housing crisis, where there is already not enough decent and stable housing available within our communities, this Government has chosen to stall public housing builds across the country[2], cancel funding for youth housing services[3], and reduce access to emergency housing. These policies push the burden of responsibility for homelessness on individuals, rather than addressing the complex and systemic challenges that enable homelessness to occur. Together these policies will deepen the housing crisis Aotearoa is facing. Duty to Assist legislation would begin to address the systemic issues that prevent people from getting support when they need it. It would place the burden of responsibility back onto the system, and ensure that if you or I experience homelessness, or were at risk of homelessness, we would be provided with the support we need in our moment of crisis. In Wales, Duty to Assist legislation has been successful in the prevention of homelessness, through supporting people to remain in their housing and access the support services they need. The legislation also requires local authorities to provide emergency housing as a temporary measure while they fulfil their ‘duty to secure accommodation’ which means they must continue to find permanent and stable homes for people.[4] In Aotearoa, Duty to Assist legislation, alongside a commitment to increasing public housing, would get us on a path out of the housing crisis and towards a future where everyone has a place to call home. References: [1] Government was warned emergency housing crackdown could increase homelessness. RNZ, 20 August 2024 https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/525607/government-was-warned-emergency-housing-crackdown-could-increase-homelessness  [2] The impact of tougher emergency housing policies in two regions. 1News, 15 September 2024 https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/09/15/the-impact-of-tougher-emergency-housing-policies-in-two-regions/  [3] Social worker fears young Kiwis being abandoned by Government after transitional youth housing funds reallocated. Newshub, 05 June 2024 https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2024/06/social-worker-fears-young-kiwis-being-abandoned-by-government-after-transitional-youth-housing-funds-reallocated.html  [4] Overview of the council’s duties to people experiencing homelessness in Wales. Shelter CYMRU, 7 March 2024 https://sheltercymru.org.uk/housing-advice/homelessness/help-from-the-council/new-homelessness-laws/ 
    155 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kick Back
  • Christchurch City Council: Divest from Genocide
    In November last year mayor Phil Mauger called for a ceasefire. We ask now that Christchurch city Council go further and follow the ruling of the International Court of Justice and divest itself from the genocidal regime.  The Israeli bombardment and siege of the people of Palestine only continues with the support of other states. The highest court in the world has called on all of us to divest from the genocidal occupation. We ask our representatives to follow international law; Christchurch City Council is obligated to speak out against the genocide, and refuse to support the products of the Israeli apartheid regime.
    208 of 300 Signatures
    Created by SJP Canterbury
  • Stop the Aerospace-Military Industrial Complex!
    Calling all peace activists! The annual Aerospace Summit is approaching fast, on the 23rd and 24th of September in Ōtautahi, and we need YOUR presence to shut it down!  We must end the aerospace military industrial complex, and stop the climate and human rights injustices perpetrated by Rocketlab and others at the Aerospace Convention. We condemn the use of Aotearoa as a private military launch pad, and we WON'T stand for criminals like the Boeing head of 'Sustainability' coming to our city. In the midst of a climate crisis, our Government is intent on patting the back of the aerospace industry to line their own pockets. These rockets have a vast climate impact, ripping holes in our ozone layer, polluting our night sky and implicating us in foreign military weapon targeting systems and surveillance without our consent. Boeing executive Kimberly Camrass is being paid to speak on 'Aerospace for good' at the conference- how on earth are the billions Boeing makes from bombing Palestinian family homes and hospitals, 'GOOD'?? We have to oppose this criminal industry!
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aurora Garner-Randolph
  • Keep Queenstown Safe: Say NO to Calendar Girls!
    Queenstown is the tourism capital of New Zealand. We’re proud of how safe and clean this city is, and the fact that people come from all corners of the world to visit us. Queenstown currently has two established strip clubs, both of which have functional, positive relationships with their workers, and are well-integrated into the Queenstown Community.  This petition is aiming to stand up for what has taken so long to build in Queenstown. We want to be clear that our objection is not to strip clubs generally, or other forms of sex work–the organisers of this petition are current adult entertainers working in Queenstown, who are afraid of what Calendar Girls could do to this city and industry. Adult entertainers are leading the fight against Calendar Girls because the club is synonymous with labour exploitation. The mandated contracts between the club and dancers allow the club to extract hundreds of dollars in fines from independent-contractor dancers, for infractions such as ‘rudeness to management.’(1) These fines are applied unilaterally, and create a culture of fear that enables the labour exploitation found in these clubs. In the adult entertainment industry, dancers and the venue make money by splitting what is paid by a client for a dance provided by the dancer at the venue. While the clubs currently operating in Queenstown take no more than 30% of what a dancer earns, Calendar Girls take up to 60% for some of their services! The largest percentage in the industry. Calendar Girls recently announced on Facebook that they are planning to open a venue in Queenstown.(2) It is understood that they plan to establish the venue at 12B Church Street, currently occupied by the bar Seek. The establishment of Calendar Girls–or any other adult entertainment venue associated with James Samson–would tarnish Queenstown’s excellent reputation and significantly harm adult entertainers in our city in three main ways:  1. Violent assaults have occurred at Calendar Girls, so both locals and tourists could face increased danger.(3)  1. Because Calendar Girls takes double the amount of dancers’ profits than the other clubs in Queenstown, the establishment of Calendar Girls will apply downward pressure on the market, incentivising a race to the bottom. Since dancers at Calendar Girls are only allowed to keep 40%-50% of what they earn, many current and former dancers have reported needing to engage in unlicensed sex work–even though Calendar Girls is not a brothel–just to make ends meet. Queenstown has just changed its brothel bylaws so it is able to better control brothels. Allowing a strip club whose policies incentivise illegal work is contrary to these aims.    1. Queenstown has spent decades establishing its reputation. If it allows a company whose business model is intrinsically dependent on labour exploitation to open, Queenstown will have confirmed it is a town that permits the exploitation of sex workers, a stain that can cause reputational harm both domestically and internationally.  The stated object of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 is that “the sale, supply, and consumption of alcohol should be undertaken safely and responsibly.” Calendar Girls has been open for more than a decade, providing extensive evidence that it is not operated either safely or responsibly. The DLC should not allow Calendar Girls to drag our city down–we call on them to be proactive and protect Queenstown instead. Similarly, we call on building owner Jean-Pierre Henri to help preserve the exceptional quality of Queenstown’s tourism and nightlife sector by denying Calendar Girls a lease.  References: 1. Watch: New Zealand Strippers Allege Exploitation and Wage Theft, 1News, April 2nd 2023, Screenshot of Calendar Fines list, Screenshot of Calendar Fees list. 2. Calendar Girls Facebook post, 2 September. 3. Man jailed over vicious attack at Christchurch club, Stuff, June 29 2020, Wild night at Auckland Strip club: gunfire claims, five injuries, one arrest, NZ Herald, 25 November 2020 Any information / opinion in this petition is not held by or affiliated with ActionStation Aotearoa. ActionStation Aotearoa is the platform through which the petition is launched. While the petition has met our guidelines and values we cannot guarantee that all information in this petition is 100% correct or opinions are completely legally valid.
    1,673 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sophie Veail
  • Inquiry into NZ intelligence used in international war crimes in Gaza
    The Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) and New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) are New Zealand’s spy agencies. While they are domestically-focused, they can produce intelligence of relevance to international conflicts. Associate Professor Treasa Dunworth, Dr Max Harris and Vinod Bal are asking the IGIS to open up an inquiry into the GCSB’s and NZSIS’ compliance with New Zealand law, and standards of propriety in relation to possible intelligence-sharing that has contributed to the commission of international crimes by Israel in Gaza. They believe there is a plausible case that the intelligence-sharing actions of the GCSB and NZSIS, in relation to what has occurred in Gaza, breach New Zealand law as well as standards of propriety. They are concerned that intelligence is being gathered by the GCSB and NZSIS which may be shared with Israel, either directly through authorised providing of intelligence or indirectly, through New Zealand’s position in the Five Eyes alliance. For example, New Zealand gives intelligence to the United States and the United States can then pass on that intelligence to Israel. If that is so, then they believe that this intelligence might be supporting the commission of international crimes in the current Gaza conflict. In their request, they begin by setting out the key legal provisions and how they ought to be interpreted. They consider past Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security reports and lessons to be drawn from them. They address the background to Israel’s actions in Gaza, credible reports about what is occurring, and possible New Zealand connections to those actions. Attention then turns to why the IGIS should exercise his discretion to open up and inquiry of this kind. The IGIS has an important role in ensuring that the New Zealand spy agencies act in a way that is compliant with New Zealand law and within the bounds of propriety. It is hoped that the IGIS will discharge this duty by opening up such a request. Read the request document
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Associate Professor Treasa Dunworth, Dr Max Harris and Vinod Bal
  • Rise Above The Cloud: Change Vape Packaging to Display Health Warnings
    Vaping is an issue in New Zealand that affects many people’s health habits and can be easily picked up at a young age. There is a particular concern around vaping and the ways it impacts youth. Vaping in schools is a concerning issue in New Zealand, with school kids obtaining vapes and vaping during school hours.  Our petition aims to reduce the amount of vape sales as well as make it common knowledge that vaping is bad for your health. By changing the packaging to be the same as cigarette packaging, we are hoping that this will help hinder the promotion of vapes and inform consumers about the serious health risks they are taking when they are using one. We hope that the impact of our petition helps to inform people that vapes are dangerous to health. We think that vaping is an issue among a large amount of the NZ population and one that impacts us both socially and in a health context. Australia has made significant, admirable crack-downs when it comes to vaping. For packaging, they require that it remains “plain”. By this, they mean “be packaged in a certain colour, display brand names in certain ways, display the required text and graphic health warnings, not display logos, brand images or promotional text.” (3) By doing this they have minimised the appeal of purchasing the products. Corporate interests will undoubtedly affect our ability to change vape packaging, as vape companies prioritise profitability and marketability over public health concerns. Improved packaging will not be seen as an improvement to vape companies as health warnings, no logos, and no bright colours will impact their sales and make them take a turn for the worse, which ultimately means less profit for them. They want their packaging to be attractive in order to keep addicts buying their products. Vapes and vape packaging are brightly or pastel coloured, often with cartoon characters or images displayed. This packaging is part of the reason that makes vaping so attractive and popular among youth. Marketing strategies implemented by vape companies include the packaging targeting youth. According to News Medical, “Packaging holds a significant position in promoting vaping products, including devices, pods, and e-liquids. Candy- or fruit-flavoured vaping products sold in colourful packaging are known to attract the youth attention more than adult smokers. Moreover, packaging of such products is often designed to resemble food or drink products that are mostly marketed to the youth” (4). References: 1. https://www.health.govt.nz/publications 2. https://nap.nationalacademies.org/resource/24952/012318ecigaretteConclusionsbyEvidence.pdf 3. https://www.health.gov.au/topics/smoking-vaping-and-tobacco/tobacco-control/plain-packaging 4. https://www.news-medical.net/health/Colorful-Packaging-Hidden-Dangers-The-Push-to-Regulate-Vape-Aesthetics.aspx
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bindi Rolton Picture