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To: Wellington Mayor & City Councillors

Save Wellington Citizens Advice Bureau!

As a result of the public pressure on the Council there will now be an amendment proposed that the CAB receive a 3 year funding contract. So we are pleased that we have achieved our aim. Thanks so much for your support!

Dear Mayor Lester & Wellington City Councillors
We ask that you reinstate your 3-year funding commitment to Wellington Citizens Advice Bureau at the same level (as a minimum).
We also ask that you recognise Wellington Citizens Advice Bureau as a core strategic partner in supporting community well-being, by developing a long-term secure funding relationship.

Why is this important?

Wellington Citizens Advice Bureau provides a free information and advice service to people in need. It helps people know about their rights and responsibilities and the services available in their community. It is there for everyone, about everything. Despite this, Wellington City Council wants to cut its services and leave its citizens without this essential support.

Last year Wellington CAB helped over 30,000 people with questions and problems across the range of issues people face in their lives. These include helping with enquiries about emergency accommodation, noisy neighbours, overhanging trees, abandoned vehicles, relationship issues, enquiries about consumer rights, tenancy rights, employment rights, as well as information about local services - the whole range of questions and queries imaginable. It also includes referrals from the City Council and helping people to fill in Council forms!

Wellington CAB has had a long-term strategic partnership with Wellington City Council. In spite of this, the Council have, without consultation, made a recommendation to stop funding the Wellington CAB via its long-standing contract for services, and give a one-off six month grant for the CAB to completely redesign its operation, including shutting the doors on its physical premises. The Council have said there is “no guarantee of funding beyond that”.

The CAB is core community infrastructure. It is locally responsive, and staffed by dedicated volunteers from the local community. The people who come to the CAB often don’t know where to go, don’t know what assistance is available to them, can’t access information, or are excluded from services. Without the CAB those people will fall through the cracks.

Please show your support and save this essential community service.
Wellington, New Zealand

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL




2018-06-14 11:41:54 +1200

Petition is successful with 4,654 signatures

2018-06-12 15:32:48 +1200

2018-06-11 20:31:53 +1200

Tracking towards 4000 signatures - spread the word to family and friends! More in the media today and there is increasing hope that reasonableness will prevail!

2018-06-09 20:37:09 +1200

The huge amount of support for this petition is hitting the media!! Keep it coming and let's get this Council back on track.

2018-06-06 11:18:26 +1200

1,000 signatures reached

2018-06-05 22:45:54 +1200

The plight of Wellington CAB featured on One News tonight. So stoked to see that they linked through to this petition as well. Keep those signatures coming!!

2018-06-05 17:10:38 +1200

500 signatures reached

2018-06-02 13:23:35 +1200

100 signatures reached

2018-06-02 12:06:23 +1200

Excellent opinion piece in The Dominion Post today.

2018-06-01 21:09:42 +1200

50 signatures reached

2018-06-01 17:50:48 +1200

25 signatures reached

2018-06-01 15:23:48 +1200

10 signatures reached