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To: The residents of New Plymouth rohe (district)

Be Courageous: Support the establishment of a Māori Ward


Pledge your support and join a movement for change in our community! Sign this petition to show the NPDC and councils nationwide that we support the establishment of a Māori Ward and value on-going work of building relationships with our Māori community!


Why is this important?

Families and friends of Taranaki invite you to sign this petition to show you care about meaningful and effective Māori/Pākehā partnership in local government in Aotearoa.

This is about Aroha.

Aroha to direct one’s essence, energy to another person, place or object. Aro to direct Ha our essence, our energy, our breath.

In July, New Plymouth District Council’s Elected Members made an impassioned stand for better representation for Māori around our Council table by voting to establish a Māori Ward at the 2022 local elections.

These councillors challenged the severely broken legislation that places roadblocks in the way of Māori representation. This demonstration of collective aroha shown by New Plymouth councillors reflects the genuine voice of our community, 180 years after entering into partnership under the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealanders want to see relationships honoured and friendships with tangata whenua nurtured better.

It will only take 2874 signatures for those against the Māori Ward in New Plymouth to succeed in calling a referendum to uphold the racist status quo. Councils nationwide face this same issue.

While those against the Māori Ward are gathering momentum to block the establishment of the Ward we can counter the spread of racist ideology through the aroha in this petition.
We call on the binding power of aroha to show up and be heard. Aroha is more than just love, it directs our energy, grows that potential and binds us to someone or something.

Please sign this petition to show the NPDC and councils nationwide that we support the establishment of a Māori Ward and value on-going work of building relationships with our Māori community!


For resources to help us have those prickly conversations with aroha and kindness click here - (shot Kina Convos!)
New Plymouth, New Zealand

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2020-07-31 23:40:21 +1200

1,000 signatures reached

2020-07-31 14:09:31 +1200

500 signatures reached

2020-07-31 08:29:07 +1200

100 signatures reached

2020-07-31 07:58:06 +1200

50 signatures reached

2020-07-31 07:40:47 +1200

25 signatures reached

2020-07-31 07:20:46 +1200

10 signatures reached