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To: Massey University Online Assessment Team, College of Business, Massey Provost

Ensure tertiary students can sit exams without invasive barriers

Massey University (especially the College of Business) needs to revoke the plans to force all students to take Online Supervised Exams, using its RPNow software. Massey needs to go back to previous online exam processes or in person examinations. Massey must commit to not further implementing E Proctor software without majority student support.

Why is this important?

It's invasive. RPNow requires all users to provide webcam access to their bedroom or private spaces and that data is collected and assessed by staff who do not work for the University, and that data is at high risk of being hacked or breached.
It's inequitable. Students who cannot afford a laptop with webcam, microphone and those who do not have a strong internet connection can't access the examinations that they paid for.
Students may not be able to book limited university spaces to sit these exams, or able to provide a safe quiet space at home to sit them.
It's not culturally competent. Many of our tauira live in whanau based situations, that don't provide for silent or private spaces to take examinations at home. These students will fail if the microphone detects other voices speaking.
It's just plain wrong. Students will go to other Universities that don't invade their privacy by implementing invasive and unsafe, low trust systems.
Students have a right to be heard, and their voice matters. Universities should not be implementing significant changes to assessment without first consulting with students.
New Zealand

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2024-06-11 14:38:08 +1200

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