5,000 signatures reached
To: Rodney Local Board
Stop the Warkworth Rodeo
On 21 October 2020 we handed over our petition to Auckland Council's Rodney Local Board, calling on them to stop leasing the Warkworth Showgrounds to the Warkworth Rodeo and to no longer host rodeo on any council land, parks and reserves under their management.
You can see photos of yesterday's petition hand over and presentation at our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/DirectAnimalAction/photos/pcb.1970228553118875/1970228523118878/
Our petition was signed by over 5000 people! Thanks to each and every one of you for supporting us by signing and sharing!
We also presented to the Rodney Local Board for 10 minutes, highlighting the tide of public opinion against rodeo and advocating that they show progressive leadership by catching up with the rest of Auckland on the issue of rodeo.
We know that the Rodney Local Board have already approved the showgrounds lease for the Warkworth Rodeo to be held there on 1st January 2021. We'll be there to protest and we're just hoping no animals will be injured or killed at this year's event.
Keep an eye on our Facebook for our rodeo protests events happening over summer which we'll be promoting soon. We hope to see you there!
Thank you for helping to make it happen,
Romina and Stephanie of Direct Animal Action