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To: The House of Representatives

Restore the postgraduate student allowance now

Dear House of Representatives

In the 2017 general election, Labour committed, and the other coalition partners stated their intention, to restoring student allowance eligibility for postgraduates. We're calling on the House of Representatives to recommend to the Government that it keeps its promise and gives us a commitment that the postgraduate allowance will be restored before the 2020 election.

The Students of Aotearoa New Zealand

Why is this important?

In 2013, the previous Government scrapped postgraduate allowances. Last year, Labour pledged to bring them back, and NZ First and the Greens have also shown their support. Now, we're looking for a start date!

Restoring the postgraduate allowance isn't just good for students, it's good for the country. Across Aotearoa, postgraduate students are studying in fields that are crucial to our country's future success - clinical psychology, teaching and learning, and environmental studies to name a few.

The current Government is committed to important national issues such as addressing the mental health crisis, uplifting the teaching profession and tackling climate change. In order for this work to succeed, we urgently need to be empowering and supporting our people to gain skills in these areas. A postgraduate student allowance is an easy first step towards making this a reality.

Supporting postgraduate success is supporting our country's success. We're calling on the Government to restore the postgraduate student allowance now!

No post-grad allowances for first semester, no set start date

How it will be delivered

A rally is to take place on Parliament Lawn, and we will formally hand the petition over to Chlöe Swarbrick.

Rally Details –
Where? Parliament Lawn
When? Thursday 11th April, 12.30 – 1.30
What? Speeches, Petition Handover, Politicians and FREE FOOD!




5 years ago

5,000 signatures reached

6 years ago

Chlöe Swarbrick accepts petition for postgraduate allowances

6 years ago

Students cross fingers for post-grad allowances - Newshub

6 years ago

Push for post-grad allowances to be restored - Radio New Zealand

6 years ago

1,000 signatures reached

6 years ago

500 signatures reached

6 years ago

100 signatures reached

6 years ago

50 signatures reached

6 years ago

25 signatures reached

6 years ago

10 signatures reached