1,000 signatures reached
To: The New Zealand House of Representatives and Electricity Generators
Power to the people: A right, not a privilege!

We request Electricity Generators:
⚡️ Commit to working together with energy retailers that represent vulnerable communities by providing them fair and affordable wholesale pricing.
We request the New Zealand Government:
⚡️ Require Electricity Generators to work together with energy retailers that represent vulnerable communities by providing them fair and affordable wholesale pricing.
⚡️ Guarantee all whānau have sufficient energy to power their homes by nominating a last resort electricity retailer, which is one that operates in the Spirit of Manaakitanga and won't turn anyone away.
⚡️ Commit to working together with energy retailers that represent vulnerable communities by providing them fair and affordable wholesale pricing.
We request the New Zealand Government:
⚡️ Require Electricity Generators to work together with energy retailers that represent vulnerable communities by providing them fair and affordable wholesale pricing.
⚡️ Guarantee all whānau have sufficient energy to power their homes by nominating a last resort electricity retailer, which is one that operates in the Spirit of Manaakitanga and won't turn anyone away.
Why is this important?
The energy industry is full of solutions for people AFTER they have felt the impacts of power poverty and AFTER they have been disconnected. What is missing is an electricity retailer specifically designed to support vulnerable consumers, that can work with whānau to prevent those things from happening.
The only way that this retailer can exist is if Generators, Government and all other players in the industry commit to work together in the Spirit of Manaakitanga.
This is what true partnership looks like between tangata whenua and tangata tiriti. Solving this issue is not one that can be done alone - but one in which Māori must be involved in. Let us demonstrate a partnership our Tūpuna (ancestors), Tangata (people) and Tamariki (children) will be proud of.
Power companies can switch off electricity for vulnerable whānau who aren't able to pay their power bill and turn others away if they have struggled to pay their bills in the past.
With 17% of people saying they had trouble paying their power bill last year (Consumer NZ, 2020), hundreds of thousands of Kiwis are vulnerable to going without sufficient power to meet their needs, not in the future but right now!
According to the ICCC report (2019), if the Government’s 100 per cent renewable energy goal is achieved by 2035, the average power costs for households would increase by 14%. And while we stand with the Government’s goal of decarbonising Aotearoa, we want to make sure policy is in place that means no whānau is left behind. If nothing changes, the amount of whānau living in energy hardship will accelerate.
We believe money should NOT be a prerequisite to accessing sufficient energy to keep a whānau warm. No one should have the power to deny a parent the ability to feed their tamariki and keep the whare warm and dry.
Over the past year, Nau Mai Rā has proven that if whānau are treated like whānau they will pay their bills on time every time, regardless of their credit history.
By allowing us the responsibility to take care of power for vulnerable whānau, no New Zealander will be left out in the cold. Let's work together in the spirit of manaakitanga and ensure no whānau is left behind.
Your support of this petition could solve power poverty in Aotearoa.
Let us look after whānau
Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket and my food basket, the people will thrive
Ezra Hirawani
Te Āti Haunui-a-Paparangi / Ngāti Rangi / Ngāpuhi / Ngāti Hako
/ Waikato Tainui
Ben Armstrong
Ngāti Hine / Waikato Tainui
Read Stuff's recent article here for more information: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/125262459/many-of-our-energy-assets-are-built-on-mori-land-so-why-do-mori-disproportionately-endure-power-poverty
The only way that this retailer can exist is if Generators, Government and all other players in the industry commit to work together in the Spirit of Manaakitanga.
This is what true partnership looks like between tangata whenua and tangata tiriti. Solving this issue is not one that can be done alone - but one in which Māori must be involved in. Let us demonstrate a partnership our Tūpuna (ancestors), Tangata (people) and Tamariki (children) will be proud of.
Power companies can switch off electricity for vulnerable whānau who aren't able to pay their power bill and turn others away if they have struggled to pay their bills in the past.
With 17% of people saying they had trouble paying their power bill last year (Consumer NZ, 2020), hundreds of thousands of Kiwis are vulnerable to going without sufficient power to meet their needs, not in the future but right now!
According to the ICCC report (2019), if the Government’s 100 per cent renewable energy goal is achieved by 2035, the average power costs for households would increase by 14%. And while we stand with the Government’s goal of decarbonising Aotearoa, we want to make sure policy is in place that means no whānau is left behind. If nothing changes, the amount of whānau living in energy hardship will accelerate.
We believe money should NOT be a prerequisite to accessing sufficient energy to keep a whānau warm. No one should have the power to deny a parent the ability to feed their tamariki and keep the whare warm and dry.
Over the past year, Nau Mai Rā has proven that if whānau are treated like whānau they will pay their bills on time every time, regardless of their credit history.
By allowing us the responsibility to take care of power for vulnerable whānau, no New Zealander will be left out in the cold. Let's work together in the spirit of manaakitanga and ensure no whānau is left behind.
Your support of this petition could solve power poverty in Aotearoa.
Let us look after whānau
Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket and my food basket, the people will thrive
Ezra Hirawani
Te Āti Haunui-a-Paparangi / Ngāti Rangi / Ngāpuhi / Ngāti Hako
/ Waikato Tainui
Ben Armstrong
Ngāti Hine / Waikato Tainui
Read Stuff's recent article here for more information: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/125262459/many-of-our-energy-assets-are-built-on-mori-land-so-why-do-mori-disproportionately-endure-power-poverty