1,000 signatures reached
To: Department of Conservation and Dunedin City Council
Return Charlie Girl Kākā to her whānau and her home of 24 years in Te Anau.
We the undersigned assert that Charlie Girl Kākā is a valued Ambassador Bird and she should be returned to her caring home at the Punanga Manu o Te Anau, the Te Anau Bird Sanctuary. Regardless of the long-term status of the Sanctuary, Charlie Girl should be returned home immediately, and the community can help address her long-term care.
Why is this important?
We believe that Aotearoa is a place where nature and animals are cared for and respected. We have a long history of taking care of our bird life and believe this practice needs to continue.
Sadly over four months ago the Department of Conservation moved Charlie Girl Kākā (also known a New Zealand Forest Parrot) from her home of 24 years to 'boost chick numbers' at their facility in Dunedin.[1] This is despite concerns being raised before the move and immediately after.
Three major welfare concerns for Charlie have been raised by five veterinarians, multiple parrot experts, and many Te Anau residents.[2]
Internal emails reveal Charlie Girl was weaving within the first hour at Dunedin. Weaving is a stereotypical distress behaviour, and Charlie is clearly overwhelmed by the environment at the Dunedin breeding facility. Despite this, no action was taken to support Charlie.
Carol, Charlie's first keeper, who cared for her for a decade, was aware of Charlie weaving in July. Still action was taken.
We have documented Charlie's increasing physical pain since her relocation to Dunedin, as her arthritic left wing sags more and more with each passing week. Charlie is weaving from the ceiling from distress[3]. And on top of all that she is kept with a frustrated and aggressive male who keeps harassing and attacking her.
Charlie Girl was well cared for and loved in her home in Te Anau. She had supportive keepers and volunteers, a Voluntary Physical Therapy Program, and individualised care.
DOC says Charlie can go 'anywhere but home' and that Te Anau is not a 'favoured' location for her.[4] Charlie is suffering in Dunedin while DOC refuses to admit a mistake. Internal emails reveal DOC acknowledged concerns for Charlie's welfare before the move. But now that she is struggling in Dunedin, DOC refuses to acknowledge concerns and claim she is fine.
DOC even went on One News and admitted that even though she 'can't really fly well' she is somehow 'robust' enough for 'a bit of fun' when being harassed by the male kākā. None of this is acceptable, and sets a dangerous precedent for the care of our captive manu (birds).
We need to speak up for Charlie Girl. She is taonga (treasured) and deserves to be home.
Check out our facebook page for video evidence of our welfare concerns on Charlie Girl. Her community is distraught by what is happening to her in Dunedin and want her home: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/15FrwjUxiM/
[1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KeIPut9WGFpYZ-5Z_OcOijTelIVNYS-QQdyrIyl7KU4/edit?usp=sharing