2022-03-29 12:20:49 +1300
To: Ministry for Primary Industries
Incentivise NZ farmers to diversify for longevity
This campaign has ended.
For the good of our health, our economy, our waterways, our land use, our ecosystems, our biodiversity and to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions we are asking for government direction, funding and support to encourage farmers to future proof and diversify their farming to include crop growing and/or rewilding their land for carbon sequestration.
Why is this important?
Supporting our farmers to diversify into cropping and horticulture is going to be good for everyone, as well as good for the planet. What is needed are financial incentives, retraining opportunities and help in finding the right crop to grow on the land.
Many of our businesses would love to be 100% Kiwi sourced, but due to being unable to buy the required plant proteins in enough quantity here in NZ, they are sourcing abroad. Kiwi farmers don't want to be left behind in the global market. The export potential for our horticulture products is huge too. We have everything to gain by transitioning to a more balanced and sustainable economy.
According to an Otago University paper a wholefoods plant diet could bring carbon emissions savings of up to 42%, confer a population gain of up to 1.5 million quality-adjusted life-years, and save our health care system up to $20 billion.
The nation's health and wellbeing depend on our ability to be sustainable and self-sufficient, but our farmers can only do the right thing if they are supported to do so. Government funded think tanks could help an individual farmer choose the best crop(s) for their land, work out how much land can be used for horticultural purposes and help direct a timeline for transition.
Let's make this really easy.
Our Green Protein Report provides suggestions for how we can reduce emissions, detailed reasons why this needs to happen and the benefits to our society by doing so. Copies are available on request and a PDF is available for download here: https://vegansociety.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Green-Protein-Revolution-Report-2020-2.pdf
This petition is supported by π A Guide to Vegan π Animals Aotearoa π Better Futures Forum π Deavoll Construction Limited π Evidence Based Eating π Fitness Locker π Greenpeace NZ π Kaiaroha Vegan Deli and Eatery π Lorax Group Limited π Mylk Made π New Zealand Anti Vivisection Society π New Zealand Vegetarian Society π Plant Based NZ Health Trust π SAFE π Tanglewood Foundation π The Lentil Intervention π The Plant Based Treaty π Ulenberg Eco-Architects Ltd π V & V π Vegan Society Aotearoa πVice Cream Limited π Welligton Vegan Actions
Many of our businesses would love to be 100% Kiwi sourced, but due to being unable to buy the required plant proteins in enough quantity here in NZ, they are sourcing abroad. Kiwi farmers don't want to be left behind in the global market. The export potential for our horticulture products is huge too. We have everything to gain by transitioning to a more balanced and sustainable economy.
According to an Otago University paper a wholefoods plant diet could bring carbon emissions savings of up to 42%, confer a population gain of up to 1.5 million quality-adjusted life-years, and save our health care system up to $20 billion.
The nation's health and wellbeing depend on our ability to be sustainable and self-sufficient, but our farmers can only do the right thing if they are supported to do so. Government funded think tanks could help an individual farmer choose the best crop(s) for their land, work out how much land can be used for horticultural purposes and help direct a timeline for transition.
Let's make this really easy.
Our Green Protein Report provides suggestions for how we can reduce emissions, detailed reasons why this needs to happen and the benefits to our society by doing so. Copies are available on request and a PDF is available for download here: https://vegansociety.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Green-Protein-Revolution-Report-2020-2.pdf
This petition is supported by π A Guide to Vegan π Animals Aotearoa π Better Futures Forum π Deavoll Construction Limited π Evidence Based Eating π Fitness Locker π Greenpeace NZ π Kaiaroha Vegan Deli and Eatery π Lorax Group Limited π Mylk Made π New Zealand Anti Vivisection Society π New Zealand Vegetarian Society π Plant Based NZ Health Trust π SAFE π Tanglewood Foundation π The Lentil Intervention π The Plant Based Treaty π Ulenberg Eco-Architects Ltd π V & V π Vegan Society Aotearoa πVice Cream Limited π Welligton Vegan Actions
How it will be delivered
The petition will be closed on midday 28th July 2022 and emailed to the Green Party member with the Agriculture portfolio, Teanau Tuiono to present to parliament on Earth Overshoot Day.