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To: Mayor of Auckland - Phil Goff

No Dump in Dome Valley - Protect Kaipara Moana

On 26 March 2020, Auckland Council notified applications for a Plan Change and Resource Consent for the proposed Dome Valley landfill (also known as 1232 State Highway 1, Wayby Valley).

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua oppose Auckland Council’s applications for a Plan Change and Resource Consent for the proposed Dome Valley landfill.

We ask that the Mayor of Auckland and Auckland Council and the Minister for the Environment Hon David Parker honour their Treaty obligations to Mana Whenua as Kaitiaki of the Kaipara where we say no to a mega landfill in Dome Valley.

The area is important to us as Iwi, our whakapapa is woven into the whenua, and the waters that flow from the several tributaries and puna to the Hoteo and Kaipara Moana. The traditional food basket of Ngāti Whātua, currently faces its greatest environmental challenge to date with the proposal for millions of tonnes of Auckland’s waste that will end up polluting our harbour.

Waste Management NZ, who are the applicants, can give no guarantee that toxic leachate and other pollutants will not find their way into the Kaipara Moana

"This battle will transform the way we dispose of our waste, because landfills have become environmental disasters that we as Tangata Whenua and future generations inherit.”

Stop this now!

Why is this important?

The current Dome Valley Landfill Application is focused on meeting the current needs of Auckland City Council’s waste requirements, without regard to Mana Whenua and our special relationship to the Whenua and local community

It is the position of Ngāti Whātua that the landfill proposal in its current form will cause irreversible damage to Papatūānuku and pose significant ongoing risks to the sustainability and mauri of the Hoteo River, Kaipara Moana our whenua and the broader environment.

We must consider the long-term environmental outcomes, and the first step for protecting the future of the Kaipara Moana is to consider sustainable waste solutions.

We ask the Council to halt all discussions with Waste Management NZ and as a Treaty partner provide our Iwi the opportunity to co-create a partnership that will assist our communities to manage waste in a way that puts Papatūānuku and our community at the center of decision making.

Ko au te Kaipara - Ko Kaipara Moana ko au

Ngāti Whātua ask for national support for this kaupapa and are seeking tautoko/support from all Uri, whānau, hapū, marae and tribal partners to sign our national petition and put forward a submission which closes 11.59pm Tuesday 26th May.

To make a submission and to learn more about the Iwi national campaign visit

Listen to locals share their concerns about the pending environmental disaster this proposed dump will bring to the community and the Kaipara Harbour

We acknowledge the efforts of Fight the Tip, Save the Dome who have been fostered strong community opposition

National Press Release - Council ignores their obligations to Mana Whenua

How it will be delivered

Our Iwi will hand deliver this petition to the Mayor of Auckland and also present this in our formal submission process to Council.

Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2020-05-24 16:35:16 +1200

1,000 signatures reached

2020-05-24 06:23:34 +1200

500 signatures reached

2020-05-23 11:02:38 +1200

100 signatures reached

2020-05-23 09:01:45 +1200

50 signatures reached

2020-05-23 07:04:21 +1200

25 signatures reached

2020-05-23 02:47:50 +1200

10 signatures reached