500 signatures reached
To: New Zealand
Pledge your support for the Dementia Declaration

The Dementia Declaration is the result of people affected by dementia getting together and identifying what we need to live well. It has been developed by people living with dementia on Alzheimers NZ’s Advisory Group.
Please pledge your support for the Declaration and help improve life for people living with dementia in New Zealand. Leave a message and tell us about your experiences.
“We ALL want to be seen, valued, appreciated and loved for who we are.”
As New Zealanders living with dementia, we are citizens whose lives matter. We have the same rights, privileges and obligations as everyone else. Our Declaration sets out what we need to live well.
We live our best possible lives when:
We have control over our lives; we have support to make decisions that are important to us.
We have consistent quality support, care and information which is timely and appropriate to us; it is provided with kindness by compassionate people who have the right skills and knowledge, our interests as a focus, and with whom we are comfortable.
A circle of support protects our wellbeing, allowing us to maintain strong mutual relationships with our families, whānau, friends, colleagues, and those who are important to us.
We live in knowledgeable communities that include, accept and understand us.
We continue to be actively engaged in roles and activities which are meaningful and important to us.
We have the things we need to live well such as housing, privacy, an adequate standard of living, and ways of getting where we need to go.
We are loved; our presence matters.
“I am still me.”
Download the Dementia Declaration in English and Te Reo Māori here: https://www.alzheimers.org.nz/our-voice/dementia-declaration
Please pledge your support for the Declaration and help improve life for people living with dementia in New Zealand. Leave a message and tell us about your experiences.
“We ALL want to be seen, valued, appreciated and loved for who we are.”
As New Zealanders living with dementia, we are citizens whose lives matter. We have the same rights, privileges and obligations as everyone else. Our Declaration sets out what we need to live well.
We live our best possible lives when:
We have control over our lives; we have support to make decisions that are important to us.
We have consistent quality support, care and information which is timely and appropriate to us; it is provided with kindness by compassionate people who have the right skills and knowledge, our interests as a focus, and with whom we are comfortable.
A circle of support protects our wellbeing, allowing us to maintain strong mutual relationships with our families, whānau, friends, colleagues, and those who are important to us.
We live in knowledgeable communities that include, accept and understand us.
We continue to be actively engaged in roles and activities which are meaningful and important to us.
We have the things we need to live well such as housing, privacy, an adequate standard of living, and ways of getting where we need to go.
We are loved; our presence matters.
“I am still me.”
Download the Dementia Declaration in English and Te Reo Māori here: https://www.alzheimers.org.nz/our-voice/dementia-declaration
Why is this important?
Nearly 70,000 people have dementia now and we expect that number to increase to 170,000 by 2050 as New Zealand’s population continues to age.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg. For every person diagnosed with dementia there are family, whānau and friends also affected by the diagnosis.
It is distressing to watch people struggle so much, and to see the spiraling impacts of that struggle.
But it is not too late to change the game, to put in place the systems, support and services that New Zealanders are going to need in coming years, and to reduce the cost burden on the country.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg. For every person diagnosed with dementia there are family, whānau and friends also affected by the diagnosis.
It is distressing to watch people struggle so much, and to see the spiraling impacts of that struggle.
But it is not too late to change the game, to put in place the systems, support and services that New Zealanders are going to need in coming years, and to reduce the cost burden on the country.