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To: NZ Parliament, Hon. Dr Jonathan Coleman (Minister of Health)

Pay equity for aged care Nurses

I am asking for your help and support in bringing the issue of pay disparity into the spotlight, and work towards increasing health funding to the aged care sector to enable pay equity for aged care Registered and enrolled Nurses.

Why is this important?

Recently the government passed an historic pay equity claim for health care assistants and support workers which is being widely celebrated in aged care. It is fantastic to hear that these hard working carers will be paid a liveable wage for the excellent work they do in an important sector of healthcare.

However with this pay rise for health care assistants and support workers, the issue surrounding Registered Nurse pay rates in aged care is highlighted. Registered nurses in the aged care sector have long been overlooked, and on average make $5-15 less* than DHB acute care nurses with the same years of experience.

The standard rate of pay for health care assistants is now only $1-4 less than an aged care Registered Nurse, despite the level of responsibility we take or experience we have. Within 5 years of the new pay scale plan the health care assistants will begin on a higher rate than many aged care nurses earn even after several years experience.

We are the ones delegating the tasks, and addressing complicated health, social and emotional issues that arise from the care of our most vulnerable. We are caring for those with multiple co-morbidities, working without a doctor onsite, making difficult decisions on a day to day basis, using a broad and varied range of knowledge of both acute and chronic care management and end of life care.

As we make these decisions, we are liable. Is the level of responsibility we take really only worth an extra dollar or two than a health care assistant? Is my degree really worth so little to the government?
Aged care nurses are crucial, but if they are not paid what they are worth, many will continue to leave the sector, and few will enter it. Why become an aged care nurse if you make less than an acute care nurse? Why enter the nursing field if you can be on a higher rate as an HCA without the 3 year degree? Without the critical thinking and knowledge of RNs, the aged care sector will soon fall apart.

We need to be encouraging nurses into the sector as it grows, and paying them what they are worth for the complicated and difficult work they do everyday. However with the limited funding available this is an issue our managers cannot afford to address without support from the government.

*based on rates at my workplace vs. local DHB

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6 years ago

Hey guys loving the current momentum, check out the Facebook page "new zealand hear our voices" link to another awesome petition. I will send this in the next month or two to the new health minister and our prime minister. Rally for more signatures if you can!

7 years ago

Hi guys. We had a pretty pathetic response from Jon Cole man however I will resubmit to the new government and see if they take us a bit more seriously. Will keep you posted

7 years ago

Letter has reached the ministers office, and NZNO making headway with a pay equity claim. watch this space!

7 years ago

1,000 signatures reached

7 years ago

500 signatures reached

7 years ago

100 signatures reached

7 years ago

50 signatures reached

7 years ago

25 signatures reached

7 years ago

10 signatures reached