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To: The House of Representatives

Make Matariki a public holiday

This petition was delivered in July 2020: In September the Labour Party joined the Green and Māori parties in confirming they would make Matariki a public holiday if in government.

Of course, it is not only this petition that led to Labour’s announcement. Many Māori over many years have been working for Matariki to be given the recognition it deserves.

The first public holiday for Matariki will be 24 June 2022!

Amend the Holidays Act 2003 to add a public holiday that marks Matariki.

Why is this important?

In May, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said that more public holidays is among a number of things the government is “actively considering” to encourage domestic tourism.

With many small businesses struggling to keep their doors open, more public holidays to encourage folks to spend their disposable income exploring our beautiful country is a fantastic idea.

Matariki is a time to gather with friends and whānau to remember those who have passed, to reflect on the year that has been, and to celebrate new beginnings. If Matariki were made a permanent public holiday, it would provide communities with an opportunity to learn about the Maramataka (Māori lunar calendar), connect with the elements and honour those who have passed away.

A public holiday would foster understanding and celebration of Māori knowledge and wisdom and invite us to slow down our busy lives and share kai with the people we love.

A recent poll, crowdfunded and commissioned by ActionStation members, has revealed that the majority of people in New Zealand believe Matariki should be a public holiday. Now is the time to make it so.



How it will be delivered

This petition will be delivered to Labour MP Kiritapu Allan on Friday 24 July.


2021-09-16 12:01:27 +1200

Petition is successful with 35,182 signatures

2020-07-20 09:55:39 +1200

20,000 signatures reached

2020-05-28 17:26:02 +1200

10,000 signatures reached

2020-05-21 15:12:04 +1200

5,000 signatures reached

2020-05-20 05:42:37 +1200

1,000 signatures reached

2020-05-19 20:11:56 +1200

500 signatures reached

2020-05-19 17:53:25 +1200

100 signatures reached

2020-05-19 17:39:53 +1200

50 signatures reached

2020-05-19 17:25:33 +1200

25 signatures reached

2020-05-19 17:17:28 +1200

10 signatures reached