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To: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

Community Checkpoints Are Protecting Vulnerable People from Covid-19

Dear Prime Minister,

While our country remains in level three lockdown, please continue to support the community checkpoints that are protecting vulnerable people from Covid-19.

Why is this important?

The evidence is clear: this positive and decisive community action, led by iwi and supported by police, councils and health providers is saving lives.

From Ōpōtiki Mayor Lyn Riesterer crediting this initiative for the fact that there are no cases of Covid-19 within the Te Whanau-a-Apanui tribal boundaries; to South Taranaki Mayor Phil Nixon saying "I really support what they're wanting to do to protect our community. They're going to great lengths to look after us", it is clear these checkpoints are not just keeping people safe but making people feel safe, too.

As the country has moved into level three, and reports of huge numbers of New Zealanders not following lockdown protocols are becoming all too common, it is imperative that the government maintain support for these community initiatives that have been protecting people so well at level four.

New Zealand can beat Covid-19, but where required, community checkpoints must remain a key part of the regional response.
New Zealand

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2020-05-10 11:47:18 +1200

Kia ora koutou,
Ngā mihi nui for signing this petition and showing support for iwi-led and police-supported checkpoints. We are so close to beating the other petition in less than one week of being live!
We plan to deliver this petition to the Prime Minister tomorrow morning before her cabinet meeting, to ensure she is aware of just how much support there is for this kaupapa. We don't know what impact it may have on her decision re the move to level two, but just in case it matters. So your support is hugely appreciated.
For anyone interested in the legal perspective on this issue, please follow this link to an excellent article published by The Spinoff today written by law experts Max Harris and David Williams.
Please help us share this article and get as many signatures on this petition as we can.
Kia pai to rā,

2020-05-10 10:08:21 +1200

5,000 signatures reached

2020-05-04 10:25:49 +1200

1,000 signatures reached

2020-05-04 08:11:03 +1200

500 signatures reached

2020-05-04 00:17:19 +1200

100 signatures reached

2020-05-03 23:30:02 +1200

50 signatures reached

2020-05-03 23:17:41 +1200

25 signatures reached

2020-05-03 23:09:35 +1200

10 signatures reached