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To: Auckland Transport

Auckland Transport: Turn the WIFI back on!

Bring back free WIFI at Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland's train stations.
Public transport for the people
We need publicly accessible free WIFI at the train stations in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland to be turned back on!

Why is this important?

During covid lockdowns Auckland Transport turned off the WIFI service which was available at all train stations in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, and have not yet resumed this essential service. 

Public transport passengers are constantly referred to the Auckland Transport website to check the schedule changes or plan our journeys, but many of us cannot afford internet data to check the website. 

As Auckland Transport relies almost solely on their website to inform journey planning, it only makes sense to give the public access to this website by providing WIFI at the train stations. 

WIFI is an essential service to transfer money so we can pay to top-up our Hop cards, and for passengers' personal safety. It is a service which would make Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland a livable city for public transport users.

We know Auckland Transport can provide public and free WIFI, it's only right that they do!
Auckland, New Zealand

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2024-08-02 15:32:23 +1200

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