Kick Back

Kick Back is a Youth Development and Social Justice community responding to Youth Homelessness. 

We believe that we can build a world where no rangatahi or tamariki ever has to sleep on our streets or go without a safe, loving and supportive place to call home. And that sometimes the best way to critique the current system, is by mobilizing our community and building the new.

So Kick Back is innovating in the gaps, building the mātauranga we need in order to close them. Our current projects include The Safety Net Project and The Front Door Project, two innovative solutions to youth homelessness that are about empowering our communities to care for and respond to young people in critical housing need in our communities.

We refuse to Accept the Unacceptable in our society, and for us, Youth Homelessness is unacceptable, so we’re kicking back against the idea that any young person is too “at-risk” to Love and doing what we can to prevent and end youth homelessness. 

We believe that though the maunga (mountain) of ending youth homelessness may be huge, it is possible to climb. And that when we come together as a community, have the courage to dream with our eye’s open, we can move mountains.