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To: Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister

Tell PM Jacinda Ardern to stay strong on Manus

Show our Prime Minister we stand behind her calls for action on the desperate situation on Manus Island, and urge her to keep the pressure on the Australian Parliament to evacuate the refugees.

Send PM Jacinda Ardern an email commending her actions and calling on her to go further.

Why is this important?

28 Nov 2017 - Update: Thousands of outraged Australians demonstrated on Sunday in the major cities after the month-long stand-off at the refugee centre on Manus Island ended violently on Friday. Police carrying batons raided the centre and forced out about 330 remaining refugees and asylum seekers.

Yesterday a group of priests locked themselves to the Australian Prime Minister’s front gate in protest. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, World Vision, Oxfam, Rhodes Scholars, Australian Medical Association have all spoken out, asking for the Australian government to show humanity and compassion.

Our own Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been outspoken with her Australian counterpart Malcolm Turnbull, from their very first meeting, and raised it consistently in the media, but she needs to know the public are behind her on this sensitive issue.

Not everyone understands these are genuine refugees who deserve a new start. Let Jacinda know we’re behind her and to keep the offer open to bring the refugees here.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern reaffirms pledge to take Manus Island refugees

22 Nov 2017 - It's been three weeks since water, food, power and medical services were cut to the Manus Island Detention Camp. But nearly 400 men remain inside.

The UN has called it a 'humanitarian crisis' — while the Australian Government are doing everything they can to shirk responsibility for the men successive governments have unlawfully detained on Manus for more than four years.[1,2]

But our Government is refusing turn a blind eye to our government's human rights abuses.

For the last three weeks, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has offered time and time again to help resettle 150 of the men detained on Manus Island.

She's making sure Australia can’t hide from its responsibilities, and she’s also making progress — with media reporting that Australian and NZ officials are finally beginning to discuss screening procedures for refugees.[3]

She’s getting some criticism and comments that we’re risking our friendly relationship with Australia. But real friendship is about being both kind and firm, especially when there is harm being done to others.

As the situation continues to spiral downwards on Manus — the only way to avoid further injury, illness or death is for these men to be immediately evacuated to safety while a longer term solution is found.

A permanent resettlement process will take at least five months to implement from the point it is agreed.[4]

We need to show our PM that the ActionStation community stands behind her calls for action, and urge her to keep the pressure on the Australian Parliament to evacuate the camp.

Can you send Jacinda Ardern an email commending her actions and calling on her to go further?

1 - Humanitarian emergency,
2 - Refugees Trapped Far From Home, Farther From Deliverance
3 - Australia, New Zealand start talks about Manus refugees screening process,
4 - New Zealand will give $2.7m to Manus and Nauru refugees
5 - Nothing prepared me for Australia's refugee camp
6 -

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2017-11-28 19:32:31 +1300

100 signatures reached

2017-11-27 21:46:14 +1300

50 signatures reached

2017-11-23 16:53:26 +1300

25 signatures reached

2017-11-22 19:46:32 +1300

10 signatures reached