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To: Aerospace New Zealand

Stop the Aerospace-Military Industrial Complex!

We are calling for:
  1. Te Pae Convention Centre cancels the 2024 Aerospace Summit, upholding their self-proclaimed role as Ōtautahi Christchurch’s ‘gathering place’ for the good of the people.
  2. Aerospace New Zealand
    ends all connections, financial ties, investments, and partnerships with both national and foreign militaries, and companies involved in the design or supply of technologies with military or surveillance applications.
    b) cancels Boeing representative Kimberly Camrass' invitation to the summit.
  3. The Rakon company ends the supply of crystal oscillator technology for use
    a) in the guidance systems of munitions made in the US, which are then shipped for use by Israel.
    b) by any national and foreign militaries, or companies involved in supply of technologies for military use.
  4. Rocket Lab ends all connections, financial ties, investments, and partnerships with both national and foreign militaries, as well as:
    a) commits to zero launches for surveillance or military purposes
    b) honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi and respect the right of mana whenua to refuse military involvement on their land
    c) disbands its Māhia Peninsula base, rescind their lease and gives land use back to the Māori owners.
  5. The Tāwhaki National Aerospace Centre ends all connections, financial ties, and partnerships with both national and foreign militaries, and companies involved in the design or supply of technologies with military or surveillance applications.
  6. The New Zealand Government prohibits all launches of satellites, rockets, or other aerospace technology for military or surveillance purposes.

Why is this important?

Calling all peace activists!

The annual Aerospace Summit is approaching fast, on the 23rd and 24th of September in Ōtautahi, and we need YOUR presence to shut it down! 

We must end the aerospace military industrial complex, and stop the climate and human rights injustices perpetrated by Rocketlab and others at the Aerospace Convention.

We condemn the use of Aotearoa as a private military launch pad, and we WON'T stand for criminals like the Boeing head of 'Sustainability' coming to our city.

In the midst of a climate crisis, our Government is intent on patting the back of the aerospace industry to line their own pockets. These rockets have a vast climate impact, ripping holes in our ozone layer, polluting our night sky and implicating us in foreign military weapon targeting systems and surveillance without our consent.

Boeing executive Kimberly Camrass is being paid to speak on 'Aerospace for good' at the conference- how on earth are the billions Boeing makes from bombing Palestinian family homes and hospitals, 'GOOD'?? We have to oppose this criminal industry!
188 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand

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2024-09-23 15:54:46 +1200

10 signatures reached

2024-09-13 18:53:03 +1200

Last year our protesting resulted in the conference's sponsorship by Lockheed Martin, largest weapons company in the world, being pulled. This year will be even bigger and better!