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To: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

Save our Precious Drinking Water

To: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

Due to current unstable and insufficient clean drinking in many towns and cities in NZ and predicted record high temperatures over the summer, serious urgent action needs to be taken. We demand that:

1. A comprehensive and consistent national standard of acceptable drinking water to be implemented immediately, backed up by regular uniform tests.

2. That Council staff report fairly, transparently and regularly on their current situations, so surprises do not occur for communities.

3. Proper resourcing is provided for the highest possible drinking water standards and supply to be maintained.

Why is this important?

New Zealand is in a dire situation regarding a stable consistent clean safe and consistent drinking water supply.

A Government inquiry into the Havelock North drinking water crisis in 2016 has revealed 20% of New Zealand’s drinking water doesn’t meet safety standards.[1,2]

In April 2016, the Ministry of Health warned that "the overall burden of endemic drinking water-borne gastrointestinal disease has been estimated at 18,000 to 34,000 cases per year" - but with this sort of illness going often unreported, it could be higher.[3]

There are presently in December record temperatures all over the country and these show no sign of abating.[4]

High temperatures have been partly causing algal bloom in Taupo, leading doctors to warn the algae may cause rashes, nausea and breathing difficulties. [5]

The situation in Napier in the first week of December was dire. Huge amounts of water were drawn off and the supply was left wanting, with some discoloured water. Residents were distressed and lacking information.[6]

In the Waitakeres in West Auckland people with tanks are ringing for water and being told it cannot be delivered until after Christmas. On the West Coast there is warnings of a looming problem if the dry weather continues.[7]

We ask that the Minister of Local Government direct Local Bodies in New Zealand to adopt a comprehensive standard for safe drinking water and that Local Bodies adopt this standard and monitor the situation during the summer on a daily basis.

Communities are nervous about their unstable water supply and cannot trust its quality.

A consistent standard must be imposed and accepted as urgent and this standard must be monitored over summer on a daily basis by council staff.

This will mean members of the community will feel more secure about their water supply over summer.

As part of water monitoring, there must also be water restrictions imposed over the hot summer, the conservation message for water must start immediately. Communities need to be directed to conserve at the right times and know why they are conserving. Restrictions need to be put in place now and not left to the last minute.

Communities must have trust that drinking water supply is safe and secure.

1 -
2 -
3 - Douse the water deniers
4 -
5 -
6 - and
7 -


2018-12-17 07:26:03 +1300

you have not heard from me in a while. I have had no response to the presentation of our petition calling to Save Our Precious Drinking Water.
Daily we are reading of continuing drinking water problems being encountered by different communities around New Zealand.
At this very moment Napier, Hastings and Christchurch have battles. There is an inquiry about the foam that was used at different airport and military bases, the chemicals appear to to have effected the drinking water.
There continues to be a variety of 'boil water' notices issued on a regular basis.
I have been waiting to attend the '3 Waters" Forum, Minister Mahuta is running but have not heard from them at all.
I am considering re starting this petition Save Our Precious Drinking Water, as drinking water problems are being reported on a regular basis.
I am interested in your thoughts.
Happy Christmas and thank you for your support
Heather and Jerry Tanguay

2018-03-14 20:00:07 +1300
Our Drinking water is under attack once more

2018-03-10 12:51:30 +1300
story of desperation from residents who were not on town supply for their water, ecoli in their drinking water after massive floods

2018-03-10 12:45:49 +1300


Another boil water notice - every time there are floods run-off and pollution have the possibility of running into unsealed bores

2018-03-08 16:21:10 +1300

Thursday 8th March, 2018
More serious flooding today in Hawkes Bay and Wanganui, more risk from run-off, rain water and pollution getting into uncapped bores. These people are most at risk with their drinking water.

2018-02-22 16:27:19 +1300

2018-02-17 15:42:49 +1300

We continue to attract concerned people to sign our Save our Precious Drinking Water petition. There is more bad weather coming, more run off, more flooding and more people at risk of bad drinking water. Everyone deserves, clean, safe and secure drinking water. NZ is not a third world country.

2018-01-19 12:06:06 +1300

500 signatures reached

2018-01-09 13:17:31 +1300
Water pollution top concern to New Zealanders in recent poll

2017-12-25 22:43:45 +1300 - no drinking or swimming declared today

2017-12-23 07:18:02 +1300

We are reaching 350 with interested people who have signed, this petition. Please continue sharing and signing. Our Drinking Water is precious, we can not live without it.

2017-12-23 07:16:24 +1300

Another Boil Water Notice from Kaikoria Council

Boil water notice
Update (11 December):
Current Boil Water Notices: Suburban and East Coast
If you are on the either of these water supplies please boil all drinking/cooking water for at least 1 minute before you use it.

This includes water for:

• Drinking
• Cooking
• Making Ice
• Brushing Teeth
• Washing Dishes

If you have friends or relatives living in these areas please help pass the word by checking to make sure they know they need to boil their water.

We know living with Boil Water Notices can be frustrating. We’re doing everything we can to improve water quality and remove the notices as soon as possible whilst keeping people healthy.

We’ll update people on where how long works are expected to take as soon as we can.

All other water supplies are working well.

2017-12-19 06:49:31 +1300

2017-12-19 06:36:31 +1300

Todays News - Dry weather forces 6-week wait for Waiheke Island Water delivery. One local supplier is out of action and the other three are at capacity. Another community under stress for drinking water.

2017-12-15 18:39:35 +1300

Out today Napier lost water conservation report, should have been done 7 years ago.