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To: District Licensing Committee

Safer Three Kings: No More Bottle Stores

The application for a new off-licence (bottle store) at 509 Mt Albert Rd, Three Kings, has been WITHDRAWN by the applicant, meaning it won't be going ahead.

The information provided notes the withdrawal is because of the large number of community objections - well done everyone for speaking up and making sure Super Liquor and the applying business owner knew Three Kings wasn't ok with another bottle store in our community.

This is a huge win, thank you so much for your support!

We, the undersigned, object to the application for a liquor licence for a new large Super Liquor store at 509 Mt Albert Rd, Three Kings.

We object to the issue of this licence as another off-licence bottle shop in the area will reduce the amenity and good order of the locality significantly.

We oppose the application for the following reasons:

· Current density of off-licences - There are at least eleven existing off-licences within 2km of the site, including two within a short walk (at the Countdown across the road from the site and at Three Kings Liquor, 501D Mt Albert Rd).

· Existing anti-social behavior in the area - noise, nuisance and vandalism in the immediate area, and violence outside a nearby on-licence across the road.

· Large number of sensitive sites nearby - In the surrounding 2 kms there are at least 12 schools, 9 ECE centres and 10 places of worship, and also other sites of cultural importance such as Te Tatua A Riukiuta (Big King, a maunga), Pah Homestead (a heritage house and art gallery), the Mt Roskill Library, and Ranfurly Retirement Village (which is also a war memorial).

We call on the District Licensing Committee to uphold the community’s concerns about this application and decline it.

Why is this important?

Alcohol Healthwatch estimates alcohol-related harm in New Zealand costs $14.5m each day. The brunt is disproportionately on youth, Maori and Pasifika in our communities, and there is a link between high density of off-licences and the heavier drinking patterns that result in much of the harm. Harm includes the health of the drinker themselves, such as increased rates of cancer and fetal alcohol syndrome, as well as harm to others, with alcohol playing a direct or indirect role in many fire fatalities, drownings, suicide and self-inflicted harm deaths, and the growing road toll.

43% of all alcohol is sold from off-licences, like the one proposed. This Super Liquor would be a large store, the size of the old bed shop, likely focused on selling bulk amounts of alcohol at low prices. It would increase the amount of alcohol in our community when we need to limit supply, and in particular reduce sales from off-licences where the liquor is then consumed in unsupervised circumstances (in contrast with on-licences).

Three Kings already has a large number of off-licences and problems with anti-social behaviour as a result of alcohol abuse.

There have been repeated incidents of violence and abuse in the carpark across the road from the proposed site, at 546 Mt Albert Rd, with alcohol playing a role. Several nearby shops, including existing bottle shops, have been violently robbed in particular the Liquor Legends on Duke St and the Crown Superette on Melrose Rd.

Local schools and parks end up vandalised and littered with broken glass, as people drink alcohol purchased at bottle shops in public despite liquor bans. Resources of both council and schools have to be used to clean up the mess, when some of it could be avoided by reducing the sale of alcohol in the area.

There are a number of local sites of cultural importance where anti-social behaviour fueled by alcohol would be inappropriate, including places of worship such as the almost adjacent Three Kings Congregational Church, and Ranfurly Retirement Village which is a war memorial to the Boer War and thus a place of remembrance as well as home to some of our more vulnerable older people.

Finally, the District Licensing Committee process allows people to make submissions to object to the application, and this petition is an important opportunity for those who can't make a submission to still be able to show their opposition. It is possible there will also be a hearing on this application, particularly if the petition is signed by a lot of locals, which will provide another opportunity for the local community to have a say.

There was a public meeting on Friday 7th September to discuss it, and there will be another one to plan further on Friday 12th October, 7pm, at the Waikowhai Room, Fickling Centre, 546 Mt Albert Rd (underneath the Mt Roskill Library and opposite the proposed site).

How it will be delivered

The deadline for this petition was 12noon Friday 14th Sept. At that point it was printed off and lodged with Michael Wood, Member of Parliament for Mt Roskill, along with off-line signatures, and submitted with a little under 500 signatures total at that time (242 online).

We decided to keep the petition open though to allow new signatures to show support. We intend to close it off again if/when there is a hearing - watch this space!

Auckland, New Zealand

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2018-11-12 17:36:32 +1300

Petition is successful with 307 signatures

2018-11-09 15:31:28 +1300

We have won! Just now, Friday 9th November about 3.15pm, those involved in formal objections got an email letting us know that the application has been withdrawn! Well done everyone, this is a huge victory - the withdrawal email notes it is because of the large number of community objections that they have decided not to go ahead. Wohoo!

2018-10-19 13:34:32 +1300

Objectors should have now received their letters acknowledging receipt of the objection. We don't know yet when a hearing will be. Update from the 12th October public meeting coming soon.

2018-10-05 11:32:35 +1300

There's going to be another public meeting on this, Friday 12th October at 7pm in the same location as last time - the Waikowhai Room at Fickling Convention Centre underneath the Mt Roskill Library. The aim is to help people prepare for presenting at the hearing and also discuss other possibilities for the community to express opposition. Facebook event for the public meeting is here:

2018-09-14 17:01:00 +1200

Thanks everyone - we printed off the signatures as at 12noon today, Friday 14th September, and put them with the offline signatures to submit to the District Licensing Committee by the objection deadline. There were 242 online and 104 offline at that time. We are going to keep the petition open for new signatures to be added, in case people missed out, and then if there is a hearing we can update the total number.

2018-09-05 17:04:03 +1200

100 signatures reached

2018-09-05 14:49:09 +1200

We now have a submission guide available for those who are able to and want to make an official objection. Please email [email protected] for a copy.

2018-09-05 14:48:22 +1200

Facebook event for the public meeting on Friday 7th September, 7pm at the Fickling Centre:

2018-09-03 16:04:37 +1200

50 signatures reached

2018-09-02 07:47:04 +1200

25 signatures reached

2018-09-01 21:38:11 +1200

10 signatures reached