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To: Ōtorohanga District Council

Protecting Kāwhia Harbour

We, the undersigned residents of Kāwhia and others with longstanding ties to the region, call upon our elected officials and staff of Ōtorohanga District Council to:
 1. Remove vehicle access from vulnerable areas of the inner Kāwhia Harbour to protect:
    - The harbour's delicate ecosystem and marine life
    - Public safety in recreational areas
    - Cultural and historical sites
    - Shoreline stability
 2. Support the development of alternative access infrastructure, specifically:
    - Establish a designated access way at Ocean Beach as offered by TKI
    - Ensure the new access point minimises environmental impact
    - Create appropriate parking facilities away from sensitive areas
 3. Work with the community to:
    - Develop a comprehensive implementation plan
    - Consider the needs of all harbour users
    - Protect both environmental and recreational values

Why is this important?

Kāwhia Harbour is a treasured natural environment that supports diverse marine life and provides important recreational opportunities for our community. Current vehicle access is causing ongoing damage to the harbour's ecosystem and poses serious safety risks to harbour users.
 Vehicle traffic in sensitive areas is resulting in:
 - Damage to shellfish beds and marine habitats and disruption to our endangered wildlife including tuturiwhatu/ NZ dotterel 
 - Erosion of harbour margins
 - Safety concerns for families and children using the beach
 - Disruption to natural coastal processes
 The proposed Ocean Beach access way would provide a sustainable alternative that balances community access needs with environmental protection.
 By signing this petition, you support the Kāwhia community's vision for a protected and sustainably managed Kāwhia Harbour for future generations.

Endorsed by: Te Taiao o Kāwhia Moana & Onepū Charitable Trust 
Kawhia, New Zealand

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2025-02-26 22:51:00 +1300

100 signatures reached

2025-02-26 18:28:07 +1300

50 signatures reached

2025-02-26 17:22:06 +1300

25 signatures reached

2025-02-26 16:55:26 +1300

10 signatures reached