1,000 signatures reached
To: Regional Councils, Minister of Energy and Resources Megan Woods, Minister for Environment David Parker, Minister for Climate Change James Shaw
No New Fossil Fuel Permits or Expansions in Aotearoa

We call on the Government to ban any NEW oil and gas prospecting, exploration and mining permits including extensions of existing permits in Taranaki AND to ban any NEW coal mines or expansion of existing coal mines in Aotearoa by 2022.
We call for an end to prospecting, exploration and re-drilling in all existing fossil fuel permits by 2025 to allow only for current production to come to an end.
We are in a climate emergency. We need to transition off fossil fuels urgently. The current accepted notion of being carbon neutral by 2050 is far too late.
Taranaki and other energy provinces hold solutions for energy security in Aotearoa through demonstrating a substantial reduction and re-prioritising of energy use across all sectors, careful investment in public controlled renewable energies, a shift from the export-import economy to a low carbon domestic focused economy and re-invigoration of our communities to transition to a safer and fairer world for all.
We call for an end to prospecting, exploration and re-drilling in all existing fossil fuel permits by 2025 to allow only for current production to come to an end.
We are in a climate emergency. We need to transition off fossil fuels urgently. The current accepted notion of being carbon neutral by 2050 is far too late.
Taranaki and other energy provinces hold solutions for energy security in Aotearoa through demonstrating a substantial reduction and re-prioritising of energy use across all sectors, careful investment in public controlled renewable energies, a shift from the export-import economy to a low carbon domestic focused economy and re-invigoration of our communities to transition to a safer and fairer world for all.
Why is this important?
The oil and gas industry has exploited Taranaki for over a century. The contaminant discharges of the industry into the land, water and air degrade our environment and negatively impact on the people who live nearby. A recent Court case and local district plan shows there are potential fatality risks and consequences beyond the boundaries of petroleum sites.
2021 has seen an alarming increase of petroleum activities in Taranaki, with Todd Energy’s 24 proposed new wells around Tikorangi and Greymouth Petroleum and New Zealand Energy Corporation’s widespread seismic surveys across the province. Seismic surveys using explosives or vibroseis trucks are highly invasive, with risks of damage to water supply, structures, land value and the well-being of people and animals.
The industry does not have a social license to continue to operate in Taranaki.
Meanwhile, the coal industry continues to seek resource consents for new and expanded coal mines, despite the social and environmental harms locally and globally, and the urgent need for heat plants, boilers and electricity generation to transition to 100% renewable energy. There is no place for new or expanded coal mines in a climate emergency. We need a planned, just transition to low-carbon jobs for coal mining communities.
The continuation of coal, oil and gas exploration, extraction and reliance is not consistent with our obligations to reduce greenhouse emissions and contribute to keeping global warming below 1.5C. Energy experts like Sven Teske, the UNEP Production Gap Report, and even the IEA now all agree that there's no room for new fossil fuel production if we are to limit warming to 1.5ºC. Aotearoa is not doing enough and has stockpiled masses of unspent carbon credits from polluters or given some companies like Methanex and Rio Tinto a free ride while not enough trees are being planted fast enough to counter our rising emissions.
The Climate Change Commission recommends a substantial reduction in fossil gas use for industries and homes, and significantly reducing the reliance on internal combustion engines for transport. The current petroleum production permits will allow time for transition away from fossil fuels, as serious efforts are put into reducing and re-prioritising energy use. Notably the preferred closure of Methanex by 2029 or earlier, without it going to Huntly power station, will free up 40% of Taranaki’s natural gas production for better uses in the transition period. The use of fossil fuels to produce methanol, synthetic fertilisers or hydrogen for export is too wasteful and polluting.
The Taranaki Regional and District Councils Mayors, along with many others, have all signed onto the Local Government Leaders Climate Change Declaration. It is time to deliver the promises - implement ambitious emissions reduction action plans and support resilience within councils and local communities. As pointed out in the Declaration, these will also substantially benefit our communities, create new jobs and business opportunities, improve public health, and create stronger, more connected communities.
Unite Union
Ora Taiao: New Zealand Climate and Health Council
Para Kore
Pacific Panther Network
Te Waka Hourua
Pou Take Ahuarangi, National Iwi Chairs Forum
Generation Zero
Fridays for Future, Wellington
350 Aotearoa
Oxfam Aotearoa
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of NZ
Greenpeace Aotearoa
Parents For Climate Aotearoa
Environment & Conservation Organisation of Aotearoa NZ (ECO)
World Wildlife Foundation (WWF-NZ)
Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa NZ
Environmental Justice Otepoti
Frack Free Aotearoa NZ
Ecologic Foundation
Wise Response Society Inc
Waikato Environment Centre Trust (Go Eco)
Stop The Coal Monster Campaign, Nelson Tasman
The Rubbish Trip
Oil Change International
Peace Action Wellington
To learn more, go to:
⭑ www.climatejusticetaranaki.info/lock-the-gate
⭑ www.taranakienergywatchnz.org/seismic/
⭑ www.coalaction.org.nz
⭑ www.orataiao.org.nz
⭑ www.climaterealitycheck.net/flipbook
⭑ http://www.nzlii.org/cgi-bin/sinodisp/nz/cases/NZEnvC/2020/165.html?query=Taranaki%20Energy%20Watch
⭑ https://www.southtaranaki.com/repository/libraries/id:27mlbegko1cxbyf94es5/hierarchy/Documents/District%20Plan/District%20Plan%202015/Sections/Section%2012%20Hazardous%20Substances%20Rules.pdf
2021 has seen an alarming increase of petroleum activities in Taranaki, with Todd Energy’s 24 proposed new wells around Tikorangi and Greymouth Petroleum and New Zealand Energy Corporation’s widespread seismic surveys across the province. Seismic surveys using explosives or vibroseis trucks are highly invasive, with risks of damage to water supply, structures, land value and the well-being of people and animals.
The industry does not have a social license to continue to operate in Taranaki.
Meanwhile, the coal industry continues to seek resource consents for new and expanded coal mines, despite the social and environmental harms locally and globally, and the urgent need for heat plants, boilers and electricity generation to transition to 100% renewable energy. There is no place for new or expanded coal mines in a climate emergency. We need a planned, just transition to low-carbon jobs for coal mining communities.
The continuation of coal, oil and gas exploration, extraction and reliance is not consistent with our obligations to reduce greenhouse emissions and contribute to keeping global warming below 1.5C. Energy experts like Sven Teske, the UNEP Production Gap Report, and even the IEA now all agree that there's no room for new fossil fuel production if we are to limit warming to 1.5ºC. Aotearoa is not doing enough and has stockpiled masses of unspent carbon credits from polluters or given some companies like Methanex and Rio Tinto a free ride while not enough trees are being planted fast enough to counter our rising emissions.
The Climate Change Commission recommends a substantial reduction in fossil gas use for industries and homes, and significantly reducing the reliance on internal combustion engines for transport. The current petroleum production permits will allow time for transition away from fossil fuels, as serious efforts are put into reducing and re-prioritising energy use. Notably the preferred closure of Methanex by 2029 or earlier, without it going to Huntly power station, will free up 40% of Taranaki’s natural gas production for better uses in the transition period. The use of fossil fuels to produce methanol, synthetic fertilisers or hydrogen for export is too wasteful and polluting.
The Taranaki Regional and District Councils Mayors, along with many others, have all signed onto the Local Government Leaders Climate Change Declaration. It is time to deliver the promises - implement ambitious emissions reduction action plans and support resilience within councils and local communities. As pointed out in the Declaration, these will also substantially benefit our communities, create new jobs and business opportunities, improve public health, and create stronger, more connected communities.
Unite Union
Ora Taiao: New Zealand Climate and Health Council
Para Kore
Pacific Panther Network
Te Waka Hourua
Pou Take Ahuarangi, National Iwi Chairs Forum
Generation Zero
Fridays for Future, Wellington
350 Aotearoa
Oxfam Aotearoa
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of NZ
Greenpeace Aotearoa
Parents For Climate Aotearoa
Environment & Conservation Organisation of Aotearoa NZ (ECO)
World Wildlife Foundation (WWF-NZ)
Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa NZ
Environmental Justice Otepoti
Frack Free Aotearoa NZ
Ecologic Foundation
Wise Response Society Inc
Waikato Environment Centre Trust (Go Eco)
Stop The Coal Monster Campaign, Nelson Tasman
The Rubbish Trip
Oil Change International
Peace Action Wellington
To learn more, go to:
⭑ www.climatejusticetaranaki.info/lock-the-gate
⭑ www.taranakienergywatchnz.org/seismic/
⭑ www.coalaction.org.nz
⭑ www.orataiao.org.nz
⭑ www.climaterealitycheck.net/flipbook
⭑ http://www.nzlii.org/cgi-bin/sinodisp/nz/cases/NZEnvC/2020/165.html?query=Taranaki%20Energy%20Watch
⭑ https://www.southtaranaki.com/repository/libraries/id:27mlbegko1cxbyf94es5/hierarchy/Documents/District%20Plan/District%20Plan%202015/Sections/Section%2012%20Hazardous%20Substances%20Rules.pdf