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To: Christopher Luxon - Prime Minister of New Zealand

Demand Accountability for Disinformation in Public Discourse

We, the undersigned, call upon Parliament to take decisive action against the spread of disinformation and misinformation by public officials and political figures. Recent statements made by New Zealand’s Deputy Prime Minister, Winston Peters, regarding gender rules in sports have demonstrated a troubling disregard for truth and an exploitation of sensitive issues for political gain. Such actions not only mislead the public but also foster division and prejudice.

Why is this important?

Peters’ recent comments misrepresented the facts surrounding athletes Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting and the broader debate on gender and sports. His assertions, based on misleading information and lacking in scientific and factual accuracy, highlight a dangerous trend of disinformation that threatens the integrity of public discourse and undermines trust in democratic institutions.

Disinformation is a deliberate attempt to mislead and manipulate public opinion, often with harmful consequences. It obscures the truth, incites fear, and distracts from meaningful, evidence-based discussions. When such disinformation is propagated by elected officials, it not only betrays the principles of honesty and transparency but also erodes the foundational values of democracy.

We urge Parliament to:

  1. Strengthen Regulations and Oversight: Develop and implement stronger regulations to address the spread of disinformation by public officials. This includes establishing clear guidelines against misinformation and disinformation in the Cabinet Manual and codes of conduct for elected representatives to enhance accountability and integrity in public discourse.
  2. Promote Transparency and Truth: Support initiatives that enhance transparency and truthfulness in public statements and media coverage. Encourage public figures to adhere to high standards of factual accuracy and integrity.
  3. Foster Public Awareness and Education: Invest in educational programs that help citizens critically evaluate information and recognize disinformation. This includes supporting media literacy programs that equip the public with the skills to discern credible information from falsehoods.
  4. Encourage Responsible Communication: Advocate for a culture of responsible communication among public officials and political leaders. Promote ethical standards that prioritize the well-being of citizens over political gain.

By addressing the issue of disinformation head-on, Parliament can help restore public trust, uphold democratic values, and ensure that public discourse is grounded in truth and respect. We urge you to take immediate action to combat the spread of misleading information and protect the integrity of our democratic processes.

Further Reading:
Peters delivers self-uppercut with cynical boxing claims


2024-08-07 20:10:10 +1200

1,000 signatures reached

2024-08-07 09:22:05 +1200

Opinion Piece written by Louisa Wall

Peters delivers self-uppercut with cynical boxing claims

Be careful who you believe in the controversy over two boxers at the Olympics because some people who should know better are peddling disinformation

2024-08-06 22:03:48 +1200

500 signatures reached

2024-08-06 18:33:28 +1200

100 signatures reached

2024-08-06 18:17:49 +1200

50 signatures reached

2024-08-06 18:09:44 +1200

25 signatures reached

2024-08-06 16:45:08 +1200

10 signatures reached