Stop the Space Waste: Lunchtime Webinar - Call To Action + Info Session

Join a lunchtime call to action webinar in the lead-up to Stop the Space Waste protest against the Aerospace Conference, in Ōtautahi Christchurch on September 11-12.

The Aerospace Conference is sponsored by one of the worlds largest weapons manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, and sets NZ up to be a launch-pad for space weapons and weapon guiding systems.

We oppose the Aerospace Conference for climate change reasons, as rocket launches burn a huge amount of fossil fuels and damages our o-zone layer.

We stand for Te Tiriti justice: Rocket Lab lied to members of Rongomaiwahine iwi when they said that their whenua at Māhia wouldn't be used for military purposes, there are also concerns of environmental harm and access to wāhi tapu and urupā .

Hear from speakers:

Puti Moa, of Rongomaiwahine, and local to Māhia Peninsular, which is Māori land that Rocket Lab is using as a launch site

Distinguished Professor Robert McLauchlan is a mathematician at Massey University. He writes on climate change, sustainability and environmental issues at and recently with Paul Callister, has been studying the prospects for the New Zealand aviation industry to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

Edwina Hughes, Coordinator, Peace Movement Aotearoa.

And Peace activists who are calling on Aotearoa to oppose the militarisation of Space, and join the protest against the Aerospace Conference this September!

RSVP link to attend:

Stop the Space Waste:
Starts on
Thursday, 31 August 2023 at 12:00 PM NZST