Pōneke Workshop: Advocate for a Study Wage for All

Come along to this workshop at the VUW Pipitea Campus to learn more about the Study Wage for All campaign! Kai is provided (please email engagement@vuwsa.org.nz with your dietary requirements).

We'll go through some history to give context to student poverty and debt in Aotearoa, then we'll equip you to have constructive conversations which advocate for the value of tertiary education and grow support for a Study Wage for All.

Everyone who wants to support the Study Wage for All campaign is welcome to get along, whether or not you're a student or know much about this kaupapa.

This workshop is facilitated by VUWSA.
Starts on
Tuesday, 12 September 2023 at 5:00 PM NZST
Ends on
Tuesday, 12 September 2023 at 6:30 PM NZST
Rutherford House
33 Bunny Street
Wellington, Wellington, 6011
New Zealand
Get Directions via Google Maps
