WEBINAR: Anti-racism and Tiriti stories from the field

🌱 Kaikōrero / Speakers: Mitzi Nairn & Robert Consedine
🌱 Ringa hāpai / Chair: Carl Chenery

⦿ Webinar format: Story-telling

This interactive story-telling session will draw out some of the twists and turns of Pākehā anti-racism and Tiriti work over the last four decades. What was it like being a pioneer? What have been the learnings? How can we strengthen and sustain the work? What are the rewards of pursuing the path less travelled? All this and more.

Veteran Tiriti Worker

Mitzi has been involved in anti-racism for over 40 years. She helped set up the Auckland Committee On Racism & Discrimination (ACORD) and then held the position of Director of the Conference of Churches Programme on Racism for some years.

She is a founding member of Tāmaki Tiriti Workers a group she is still involved with. Mitzi is an extraordinary educator and communicator about te Tiriti and has delivered hundreds of Tiriti workshops over the years across Aotearoa.

She is a deep thinker, with a quick wit and has mentored many Tauiwi Tiriti Workers. She has been involved in a multiplicity of campaigns in the pursuit of a Tiriti-based future alongside Māori partners. Mitzi continues to serves the movement as a much- loved crone and matriarch for the Pākehā Tiriti workers across the country.

Veteran Tiriti Worker

Robert Consedine was raised in an Irish Catholic 'community' in the working-class Christchurch suburb of Addington. From his involvement with the civil-rights movement in the United States to international relief aid visiting of Third World countries, Robert has witnessed the struggle for human dignity in some of the most marginalised environments in the world.

Jailed for two weeks for his involvement with the anti-Springbok tour protests of 1981, Robert was deeply affected by stories from Māori prisoners, stories reflecting every kind of dispossession: disconnection from family, land, language, culture, unemployment, abuse, violence, low self-esteem and personal and institutional racism.

Subsequently, Robert with the support of a network of Māori and Pākehā were inspired to set up Waitangi Associates - an organisation that uses a combination of innovative educational strategies to assist the people of Aotearoa in learning about and creatively confronting our colonial history. Robert has delivered Treaty education workshops (two days) in over 200 New Zealand organisations and transported the workshop model to Canada and Australia over thirty years.

On the day, go to this link: https://zoom.us/j/174220464

Starts on
Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 4:30 PM NZDT
Ends on
Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 5:30 PM NZDT

