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To: Christchurch City Council

Christchurch City Council: Divest from Genocide

The citizens and conscience of Christchurch call on CCC to do what is not only right but is also easy.

Councillors, you are called upon to enact a motion that recognises the July 2022 judgment of the International Court of Justice, by:
  • Amending CCC’s procurement policies, and those of all of its subsidiary companies, to recognise UN Security Council Resolution 2334, by refusing to deal directly and indirectly with the companies identified under UNSC Resolution 2334; and
  • Disinvesting all CCC moneys, directly and indirectly held, currently invested in Israeli government bonds and in companies (including their related companies ) identified under UNSC Resolution 2334; and
  • Querying whether, and encouraging, CCC’s partners such as University of Canterbury to do the same.

Councillors, the easiest way to make sure that protestors leave you alone is by simply doing the right thing.

Why is this important?

In November last year mayor Phil Mauger called for a ceasefire. We ask now that Christchurch city Council go further and follow the ruling of the International Court of Justice and divest itself from the genocidal regime. 

The Israeli bombardment and siege of the people of Palestine only continues with the support of other states. The highest court in the world has called on all of us to divest from the genocidal occupation. We ask our representatives to follow international law; Christchurch City Council is obligated to speak out against the genocide, and refuse to support the products of the Israeli apartheid regime.

Christchurch, New Zealand

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